31 Αυγ 2010
Fish Tales Kissing | Mighty Optical Illusions
Fish Tales Kissing | Mighty Optical Illusions: "Fish Tales Kissing
November 4, 2006 by Vurdlak with 42 Comments
The illusion in following photos is frankly, quite obvious. None the less, I decided to show them to you (since this kind of body art is something I always loved). Great idea done by this couple, do you agree? If you narrow your eyes enough, you will get opinion you’re watching a cartoon! Hurray Fish tales! Check body paint, Heidi Klum, body art, hand paintings, body paint 2, zodiac signs and extreme makeover for more!"
Swimming Fish Optical Illusion
Swimming Fish optical illusion was originally created by Emily Knight and Arthur Shapiro. It was a 2007 Finalist in the Best Illusion of the Year Contest hosted by the Vision Sciences Society. However, there is a guy called Excel Hero, who recreates optical illusion using nothing but Excel. As he explains, the fish appear to wiggle up and down, but this is again just an illusion – all of the little bastards are actually standing still!
30 Αυγ 2010
Verbal Volley, Fast-Paced Antonym/Synonym Party Game | Purple Pawn
Verbal Volley, Fast-Paced Antonym/Synonym Party Game | Purple Pawn: "AUG
Posted by shadejon as Card Games
Verbal Volley by sggc Mindfullgames and designed by Kristin Edmonds, is a straightforward language party game.
Flip cards, and the first to shout a synonym (round 1) or antonym (round 3) gets the card. Repeat. In rounds 2 and 4, players call synonyms or antonyms for a single card until one person can’t. That player gets some negative points. Player with most cards/points is the winner.
The game is being marketed as an educational tool, so it has lots of clinical sounding copy as well as a disclaimer that the game is not actually prescriptive.
Brain-drain. Αποδημία Επιστημονικού Δυναμικού
Γράφει ο Αλέξανδρος Πιστοφίδης «ΚΥΜΑ μετανάστευσης του νέου επιστημονικού προσωπικού που υπάρχει στη χώρα απειλεί να δημιουργήσει η παρατεταμένη ύφεση στην αγορά και οι ολοένα λιγότερες ευκαιρίες για μόνιμη και ασφαλή εργασία που προσφέρουν οι ελληνικές επιχειρήσεις.Το συμπέρασμα-σοκ που προκύπτει από τη μεγάλη έρευνα της Κάπα Research την οποία παρουσιάζει σήμερα «Το Βήμα» είναι ότι επτά στους δέκα Ελληνες οι οποίοι είτε έχουν ολοκληρώσει είτε ολοκληρώνουν τις σπουδές τους θα εγκατέλειπαν ευχαρίστως την Ελλάδα για μια δουλειά στο εξωτερικό». Το αποτέλεσμα της έρευνας, που «Το Βήμα» το παρουσιάζει σαν «συμπέρασμα-σοκ», στη σημερινή online έκδοσή του, το έγκυρο γερμανικό περιοδικό, «Der Spiegel», το παρουσιάζει σαν τη μεγαλύτερη απειλή για το μέλλον της χώρας μας, χρησιμοποιώντας σαν τίτλο τον διεθνή όρο “Brain-drain”, που αυτολεξεί σημαίνει «ΑΠΟΣΤΡΑΓΓΙΣΗ ΜΥΑΛΩΝ». Η σχέση αποδημίας-μετανάστευσης «δημιουργικών μυαλών» ή εκπαιδευμένου ανθρώπινου δυναμικού και ανάπτυξης, είναι γνωστή από την εποχή του 5ου π.Χ. αιώνα. Θετικό παράδειγμα είναι εκείνο της Αθήνας του Περικλή που συγκέντρωσε γύρω του ότι δημιουργικό μυαλό υπήρχε στον τότε ελληνικό χώρο. Χαρακτηριστικά αρνητικά παραδείγματα, είναι, πρώτον, οι διωγμοί των γιατρών της εποχής του Ιουστινιανού, που.......... χαρακτηρίστηκαν μάγοι-εθνικοί και κατέφυγαν στην περσική αυλή και σε άραβες χαλίφηδες. Το αποτέλεσμα ήταν να πάει δεκαετίες πίσω η ιατρική επιστήμη στη Δύση και να αναπτυχθεί στους πέρσες και στους άραβες. Δεύτερον, Οι διωγμοί τον 16ο αιώνα των Ουγενότων (Γάλλοι Καλβινιστές), μιας από τις πιο δραστήριες κοινωνικές ομάδες, που κατέφυγαν στη Γερμανία, Ολλανδία, ΗΠΑ και στις Σκανδιναβικές χώρες, συμβάλλοντας στην ανάπτυξη των χωρών αυτών.
Χταπόδι "μεταμφιέζεται" σε ψάρι! (vid)
Το όνομά του είναι "Thaumoctopus mimicus" και αποδεικνύει ότι μπορεί να καταφέρει να αποφύγει τα μπλεξίματα με το να κάνει ένα τοξικό ψάρι, καθώς τα υπόλοιπα ψάρια το αποφεύγουν.
Σε περίπτωση που εντοπίσει απειλεί, μαζεύει τα πλοκάμια του και παίρνει τη μορφή τοξικού ψαριού.
Οι επιστήμονες εντόπισαν για πρώτη φορά το χταπόδι το 1998 και παρατηρώντας τη συμπεριφορά του το ονόμασαν "mimicus".
Octopus Mimics Flounder
Ανέβηκε από cosmogr. - Δείτε ξεκαρδιστικά videos.
"ΗΠΑ: Μέσω USB Flash η χειρότερη Cyber Attack ever
30 August 2010
Το έχουμε δει εκατοντάδες φορές να συμβαίνει στην καθημερινή μας ενασχόληση με τους Η/Υ και ένα είναι σίγουρο, όσο θα υπάρχουν USB Sticks η ιστορία θα επαναλαμβάνεται και τα υπολογιστικά συστήματα θα γίνονται έρμαιο του κάθε επιτήδειου Hacker."
30 August 2010
Το έχουμε δει εκατοντάδες φορές να συμβαίνει στην καθημερινή μας ενασχόληση με τους Η/Υ και ένα είναι σίγουρο, όσο θα υπάρχουν USB Sticks η ιστορία θα επαναλαμβάνεται και τα υπολογιστικά συστήματα θα γίνονται έρμαιο του κάθε επιτήδειου Hacker."
Don’t Tell the Creative Department, but Software Can Produce Ads, Too
August 27, 2010, 4:20 PM
Software developed by BETC Euro RSCG in Paris, named CAI for Creative Artificial Intelligence, generates ads like this one.
Don’t Tell the Creative Department, but Software Can Produce Ads, Too
By STUART ELLIOTTFor decades — maybe even since computers began arriving in workplaces in the 1960s — there have been predictions that machines will be able to perform the creative tasks that usually require human beings. An agency in Paris is offering a new twist on those venerable forecasts, to make a point about the creative process.
BETC Euro RSCG, part of the Euro RSCG Worldwide division of Havas, has developed software that can produce elementary advertisements. The software is called CAI, pronounced Kay, for Creative Artificial Intelligence.
CAI can be programmed to produce ads by selecting a product category (say, soft drinks) and type of product (for instance, coffee, energy drinks, fruit juice, milk, tea or water).
Next up are questions about objectives. Do you want to generate awareness? Create loyalty? Increase purchase? Introduce a product? Recruit customers? CAI then wants to know the demographic target for the ad by sex and age.
Last come questions on the intended benefits of the product. For milk, for example, qualities like fresh, healthy and organic are offered. CAI ponders all those requirements, then produces three possible ads that meets them.
CAI can randomly generate an estimated 200,000 ads. In a recent demonstration, the software brought forth bland and formulaic — but perfectly acceptable — ads that could run in magazines or newspapers, as banners on Web sites or on billboards.
CAI can randomly generate an estimated 200,000 ads. In a recent demonstration, the software brought forth bland and formulaic — but perfectly acceptable — ads that could run in magazines or newspapers, as banners on Web sites or on billboards.
And that is the point being made by the executive who came up with the idea for CAI.
The initial response to CAI is “playful,” Stephane Xiberras, president and executive creative director at BETC Euro RSCG, wrote in an e-mail message, as people “try to create campaigns for perfumes or for chips, and it’s true that it generates fun ads.”
“After this first reaction, they get a little scared,” he said, “when they see that a software program can create the same (mediocre) results in just 10 seconds as several hours of strategic meetings and production.”
And that is, according to Mr. Xiberras, “a pretty scary thing.”
Another year of working on CAI “could turn it into a real tool for agencies and clients,” he said, because the software “sometimes leads to random accidents that could stimulate the creative process.”
It also “provides good examples of what not to do,” he added.
Even so, humans ought not to be replaced by software, Mr. Xiberras said.
“Our industry has been living in a paradox for several years,” he explained. “In a world where it is increasingly difficult to get brands’ messages to emerge, there is a growing standardization of advertising.”
The contention that most ads are “no more than a reconstitution of already existing ideas and forms” led to the development of the software.
Mr. Xiberras wrote the copy for the ads for CAI and Claire Maoui, an art director, found the thousands of images. Clarisse Lacarrau, international planner, and Elodie Andurand, account director, handled the strategic planning aspects.
And Abder Zeghoud, Web developer, and Vincent Malone, executive creative director, worked on the programming side.
28 Αυγ 2010
Συντάκτης: Ανατολική Αττική | Αναρτήθηκε στις: Σάββατο, Αύγουστος 28, 2010 |Ετικέτες: Διάφορα 

Ενημέρωσε όλες τις επαφές που έχεις στον υπολογιστή σου, να
μην δέχονται τις εξής επαφές:
είναι κάποιος που είναι «πειρατής»
στον υπολογιστή σου και εάν κάποια από τις επαφές σου τον
«αρπάξει» θα πληγείς και εσύ. Στείλε λοιπόν αυτό το μήνυμα σε όλους.
Είναι επείγον και ο ιός κυκλοφορεί ήδη.
Η επιβεβαίωση αυτής της πληροφορίας έχει ήδη ανακοινωθεί
από το γαλλικό κανάλι EUROPE 1.
Τις προσεχείς ημέρες πρέπει να προσέξεις να μην ανοίξεις
κανένα μήνυμα που ονομάζεται l'Invitation (πρόσκληση), ή τι θέλει η
φωτογραφία σου σ΄αυτό το site? Όποιος κι’ αν σας το έχει στείλει!!!
Είναι ένας ιός που ανοίγει μια ολυμπιακή δάδα και
καταστρέφει το σκληρό δίσκο του PC.
Αυτός ο ιός θα σας σταλεί από κάποιον που έχετε στις επαφές
σας, γι αυτό πρέπει οπωσδήποτε να στείλετε αυτό το e-mail σε όλους.
Λοιπόν, αν δεχτείς ένα μήνυμα με όνομα 'invitation'
Είναι ο χειρότερος ιός που έχει ποτέ ανακοινώσει το CNN και
έχει καταταχθεί από τη Microsoft ως ο ιός ο πιο καταστροφικός που
έχει παρουσιαστεί μέχρι σήμερα!
Αυτός ο ιός ανακαλύφθηκε χτες (?) το απόγευμα από την
MCAfee και δεν έχει βρεθεί ακόμα λύση.
Καταστρέφει απλούστατα την 'zone zéro' του σκληρού δίσκου
όπου είναι κρυμμένες οι κύριες πληροφορίες!
Animusic: Πώς 3D εικονικά όργανα μπορούν να παίζουν μουσική...
Η Animusic είναι μια εταιρεία που δημιουργεί φανταστικά βίντεο, στα οποία παίζουν μουσική 3D εικονικά όργανα σχεδιασμένα από H/Y (computer animated music). Οι μουσικές επιλογές είναι απλά απεριόριστες! Όλο το περιβάλλον είναι 3D και το αποτέλεσμα είναι ΜΟΝΑΔΙΚΟ!!!
Το αξιοσημείωτο της όλης υπόθεσης είναι ότι έχουν κατασκευάσει ένα πρόγραμμα το οποίο αφού φτιάξουν τα 3D όργανα μπορεί να τα κάνει να παίξουν ό,τι μουσική θέλουν.
Παρακολουθήστε το εκπληκτικό βίντεο...
Δείτε εδώ όλα τα βίντεο τα οποία κυκλοφορούν και σε DVD.
Πηγή: ClopYPastE.gr - ClopYandPastE.blogspot.com
27 Αυγ 2010
5 Entire Islands with Large Complex Buildings Completely Abandoned
Deserted Floating City of Oily Rocks
One of the strangest cities in the world sits just off the coast of Azerbaijan, abandoned and dilapidated. ‘Oily Rocks’ began with a single path out over thewater and grew into a system of paths and platforms built on the back of ships sunken to serve as the city’s foundation. It was all created to serve the oil industry, and before long, it contained housing, schools, libraries and shops for the workers and their families. Now, only part of it remains as many of the paths have disappeared into the surf. link
Abandoned Launch Platform for some of America’s first spy satellites
There are numerous isolated military bases around the world, but few as remote as Johnston Atoll. Located in the central Pacific and comprising little more than a vast runway, it’s not hard to imagine what sort of “under the radar” pursuits went on here over the years.
Origionally a natural island atop a coral reef about 750 nautical miles west of Hawaii, Johnston Island has been enlarged tremendously over the years by coral dredging. The result: a semi man-made island providing space for a expansive military base with accomodation for more than 1,000 people at its zenith.
Between 1958 and 1975, Johnston Atoll was used as a nuclear test site for underground and above-ground nuclear weapons. Several nuclear test missiles were launched from the atoll during “Operation Dominic” in 1962
Johnston Atoll also served as a launch platform for some of America’s first spy satellites and other scientific rockets. But by 1993, its military mission had been scaled down to handle the storage and destruction of chemical weapons. link
Johnston Atoll also served as a launch platform for some of America’s first spy satellites and other scientific rockets. But by 1993, its military mission had been scaled down to handle the storage and destruction of chemical weapons. link
The Fort in the middle of nowhere
A military fort, out in the ocean, with a moat! Fort Jefferson is a part of Dry Tortugas National Park in the waters off of Key West, Florida. Construction on the “fort in the middle of nowhere” was started in 1846. It was originally meant for the defense of the US, but during the 30 years of construction, some design features became obsolete for that purpose.
During and after the Civil War the fort began to be used as a prison for deserters and other criminals. In 1874 the army completely abandoned the fort after several hurricanes and a yellow fever epidemic, and it wasn’t until 1898 that the military returned in the form of the navy, which used the facilities during the Spanish-American War. The fort was also used from 1888 through 1900 as a quarantine station, and was garrisoned again briefly during World War I. link
Ghost Island – The highest population density ever recorded
Hashima Island (meaning “Border Island”), commonly called Gunkanjima (meaning “Battleship Island”) is one among 505 uninhabited islands in the Nagasaki Prefecture about 15 kilometers from Nagasaki itself. The island was populated from 1887 to 1974 as a coal mining facility.
Amenities like a movie theater, doctor’s office, arcades, restaurants and bars were added later, and the city became a thriving, microcosmic community. The entire complex was linked via underground tunnels. At its peak in 1959, Hashima Island was the most densely populated city on Earth, with 5,259 inhabitants on the small, rocky outcropping, the highest population density ever recorded worldwide. That’s 835 people for every 2.5 acres.
As petroleum replaced coal in Japan in the 1960s, coal mines began shutting down all over the country, and Hashima’s mines were no exception. Mitsubishi officially announced the closing of the mine in 1974, and today it is empty and bare, which is why it’s called the Ghost Island. Travel to Hashima is currently prohibited. link
Abandoned Man-Made Military Island
Fort Carroll is a 3.4 acre (14,000 m²) artificial island and abandoned fort in the middle of the Patapsco River, just south of Baltimore, Maryland. The fort was used in the 1800s. In WWII it was briefly used as a firing range for the Army and a checkpoint for ships
The government abandoned the fort as a military post in 1920, and the island was declared excess property in 1923. However, the War Department took no immediate steps to sell the land. In May 1958, a Baltimore attorney purchased the island for $10,000, but development plans never materialized. The fort now is deserted. link
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