7 Δεκ 2010

The Best Of: Ad Campaigns

Advertising industry is getting more inventive and creative each day. They always try to get to our attention in every way possible: sometimes their efforts are meant to disturb you and stir emotion , other times they make all kinds of jokes and funny images. No matter what is the case, they intend to leave you touched and make you remember  images and messages they sent you.
These are marvelous examples of the most successful and creative ad campaigns. These will make you smile, cry or leave you intrigued but surely not lighthearted.
Suffering from over-weight ads:
“Obesity is Suicide” ad campaign:

Every 5th Child Obesity:

To see anorexic
Bringing up the issue of human rights:
In the spirit of past Olympic games: “Stop the world record for executions”
Another Olympic discipline, the archery:
It does not happen here, but now!
Child soldiers in Angola and other African countries:
Now we come to the non-popular topic:
Smoke Free Zone:
Stop passive smoking!
Road Accidents ads:
Buckle Up Ads

Reserved for drunk drivers:
Dont Drink and Drive Ad
After 2 drinks, your attention to 76% reduced
Save your life and use hands free system!

Advertising for the protection or assistance for children
Child abuse:

Every child needs a family:
Reach out your hand to children with autism:

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