29 Ιαν 2011

these are not animated!

 These interesting otical ilussions were made by Akiyoshi Kitaoka (北岡 明佳, born August 19, 1961), a Professor of Psychology at the College of Letters, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan. After his 1991 PhD from the Institute of Psychology, University of Tsukuba he specialized in visual perception and visual illusions of geometrical shape, brightness, color, in motion illusions and other visual phenomena like Gestalt completion and perceptual transparency, based on a modern conception of Gestalt Psychology. In nonscientific circles he bacame renowned through his Rotating snakes illusion.

kitaoka12 Caution: You might feel dizzy
Warning: This article contains some works of “anomalous motion illusion”. Some of the pictures on this website can cause dizziness or might possibly epileptic seizures. The latter happens when the brain can’t handle the conflicting information from your two eyes. If you start feeling unwell when using this website, immediately cover one eye with your hand and then leave the page. Do not close your eyes because that can make the attack worse.
“Rotating snakes”Circular snakes appear to rotate ‘spontaneously’.
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“Rollers”Rollers appear to rotate without effort. On the other hand, they appear to rotate in the opposite direction when observers see this image keeping blinking.
kitaoka16 Caution: You might feel dizzy
“Centipedes”The image appears to wave.
kitaoka04 Caution: You might feel dizzy

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